Privacy Policy

UGVP Management, LLC  will not disclose information concerning the advisory clients, investors or former clients or investors, such as names, addresses, social security numbers, tax identification numbers, net worth, total assets, income, and other financial information necessary to determine required accreditation standards (the “Information”) except: (i) to the administrator, UGVP Management’s attorneys, accountants, auditors and to other service providers that assist Union Grove in providing advisory services and/or effecting client transactions and who have a need for the Information in connection with such providing services; (ii) to third-party service providers or financial institutions who may be providing marketing services to Union Grove, provided that such persons must agree to protect the confidentiality of the Information and use the Information only for the purposes of providing services to Union Grove; and (iii) as otherwise required or permitted by law.

Union Grove restricts access to the Information to employees who need to know the information to provide services to Union Grove, its advisory clients and investors. Union Grove also maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with U.S. federal standards to guard the Information. If you have any questions regarding Union Grove’s Privacy Policy, please feel free to email us at: